How I became a Hypnobirthing Practitioner.

It all started when I supported my sister and brother-in-law at the birth of their first child in 2015. They had practiced Hypnobirthing and demonstrated just how powerful relaxation, visualisation and breathing techniques were when used before and during birth. I was truly amazed at how my sister breezed through her labour, without needing any form of pain relief. She was so calm and so in control...I was in complete awe. My brother-in-law was also well prepared, well informed and confident thanks to the classes they took. Anything the midwives needed to know, he knew the answer...And if he or my sister had a query, he knew exactly what to ask. The midwives didn't need to bother my sister at all, she was in the zone, just her and her baby working their magic. It was such a wonderful experience, especially witnessing my niece being born naturally, in a relaxed, stress free way into a calm and happy environment - What a beautiful way to start life!
It was from this experience that I decided that I would definitely take hypnobirthing classes when it was my turn to have a baby...And I'm so glad I did. Me and my husband learnt so much at our classes, I became so confident that I felt like nothing could phase me. I loved every minute of being pregnant and felt so happy and excited when Baby decided it was time to meet him. There was not one moment when I felt fear, anxiety or worry because I knew my body and my baby were ready and able to perform something truly amazing.
Now, I'm not only a hypnobirthing Mum but a Hypnobirthing practitioner, I completed the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) accredited course by Katherine Graves (KG Hypnobirthing). I was so fortunate to not only witness a wonderful hypnobirth but to also have one myself...and because of this, I feel like I need to share the knowledge and techniques with other Mums-to-be and their birth partners so they too can have a wonderful, magical, amazing birthing experience.
Born to Teach

Destined to be an educator